মঙ্গলবার, ২২ অক্টোবর ২০২৪

Healthy foods for teeth, skin and hair named

শনিবার, মার্চ ২৭, ২০২১
Healthy foods for teeth, skin and hair named

Nutritionist, nutritionist, member of the Association of Dietitians of Canada Natalya Nefedova told what products will help improve the condition of teeth, skin and hair, Sputnik radio reports.

According to the expert, essential omega-3 acids for the body are found in nuts, seeds, nut butter and vegetable oil. However, these foods have a high calorie content, so they should be consumed in a limited way. They are all good for the skin, teeth and hair.

Like legumes, nuts replace meat, but you should not limit yourself in fish, Nefedova said. The doctor advises to eat it four times a week. For example, herring is "an inexpensive and nutritious option." It can be not salted, and in the form of canned food: they contain a lot of calcium.

Another source of calcium is dairy products. At the same time, plant milk also contains this mineral and vitamins D and B12, the nutritionist emphasized. Vitamins A and E, good for the skin, are found in the liver, yellow and red vegetables and fruits, and avocados.

The doctor recommended a variety of meals, as a balanced diet improves health and appearance. This type of diet is more effective than the consumption of individual vitamins and minerals. In addition, do not forget about different vegetables, fruits, cereals and bread.

At the same time, Nefedova advised to treat multivitamins and dietary supplements with caution. Additives control less than pharmacology. In addition, marketing is well developed in this area, which is why people perceive dietary supplements as something harmless that can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

“We have to take them the same way as drugs. Intoxication can be terrible and the consequences very bad, ”the doctor concluded.

Courtesy : hi.ru

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